- Austria - Admonter Holzindustrie AG | www.admonter.at
- Austria - Österreichische Parkettindustrie | www.parkett.co.at/parkett
- Austria - Parador Parkettwerke GmbH | www.parador.at
- Austria - Scheucher Holzindustrie GmbH | www.scheucherparkett.at
- Austria - Tilo GmbH | www.tilo.com
- Austria - Weitzer Parkett Vertriebs GmbH | www.weitzer-parkett.com
- Belgium - HABO NV | www.holzbois.be
- Belgium - Unilin | www.quick-step.com
- Croatia - Bjelin d.o.o. | www.bjelin.com
- Croatia - Drvoproizvod d.d. | www.drvoproizvod.hr
- Croatia - Pan Parket d.o.o. | www.pan-parket.hr
- Croatia - PPS-GALEKOVIĆ | ww.pps-galekovic.hr
- Croatia - Spačva d.d. | www.spacva.hr
- Czech Republic - Morava Wood Products | www.moravawood.eu
- Denmark - Junckers Industrier A/S | www.junckers.com
- Estonia - Technomar & Adrem Ltd | www.estaparket.eu
- Finland - Timberwise Oy | www.timberwise.fi
- France - Berrywood SAS | www.berryalloc.com
- France - Chène de l'Est | www.chenedelest.com
- France - Deschaumes | www.deschaumes.com
- France - Panaget | www.panaget.com
- France - FNB | www.fnbois.com
- Germany - Bembé Parkett GmbH & Co. KG | www.bembe.de
- Germany - Hain Natur-Böden Gmbh | www.hain.de
- Germany - Hamberger Flooring GmbH & Co.KG | www.haro.de
- Germany - Jakob Schmid Söhne GmbH & Co. KG. | www.jaso.de
- Germany - LPM GmbH | www.lpm-parkett.de
- Germany - MeisterWerke Schulte GmbH | www.meisterwerke.com
- Germany - Osmo Holz und Color GmbH | www.osmo.com
- Germany - Parkett-Herter | www.parkett-herter.de
- Germany - PlyQuet GmbH - TEKA parquet | www.plyquet.de
- Germany - ter Hürne GmbH & Co. KG | www.terhuerne.de
- Germany - Verband der deutschen Parkettindustrie e.V. | www.parkett.de
- Hungary - BEFAG Parkett Kft. | www.befagparquet.com
- Hungary - Egererdö zrt. - Mátra Parkett | www.matraparkett.hu
- Hungary - Graboplast Ltd. | www.graboplast.hu
- Italy - Ciambella Legnami Srl | www.listonegiant.it
- Italy - Federlegno-Arredo/Edilegno/Gruppo Pavimenti di Legno | www.federlegno.it
- Italy - Margaritelli SpA | www.listonegiordano.it
- Italy - Anbo Stile srl | www.stile.com
- Lithuania - Frevini UAB | www.frevinistudio.com
- Poland - Baltic Wood SA | www.balticwood.pl
- Poland - Barlinek S.A. | www.barlinek.com.pl
- Poland - Holzexport Sp. zo.o. | www.holzexport.pl
- Poland - Jawor-Parkiet | www.jawor-parkiet.pl
- Portugal - Castrowoodfloors | www.castrwoodfloors.pt
- Spain - Asociacion Nacional de Fabricantes de Parquet | www.feim.org
- Spain - Intasa | www.intasa.es
- Spain - Kider Wood Floor | www.kiderwoodfloor.com
- Spain - Mariano Hervás S.A. | www.mhparquets.com
- Spain - Muebles y madera de Nueva Linea SL | www.surcoparquet.com
- Sweden - Kährs Holding AB | www.kahrs.com
- Sweden - Tarkett SAS | www.tarkett-floors.com
- Sweden - Trä- och Möbelindustriförbundet (TMF) | www.tmf.se
- Sweden - Välinge Innovation Sweden AB | www.valinge.se
- Switzerland - Bauwerk Group Schweiz AG | www.bauwerk-parkett.com
- Switzerland - ISP | www.parkett-verband.ch
- The Netherlands - FB Houtdistributeur BV | www.fbhout.com
- The Netherlands - Parket Alliance |
- Turkey - Dendro Parke San. A.S. | www.dendro.com.tr
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